
Justice League Analysis

Zack Snyder's Justice League, directed by Zack Snyder, written by Chris Terrio.
Worldwide Box Office Total of the Theatrical Version: $656 Million

What you need to know from BvS
Preparation: Characters and Questions

2021 HBO Max Version Zack Snyder's Justice League

Themes and Character Arcs in Zack Snyder's Justice League
Prologue Episode 1: The Death of Superman


2017 Theatrical Version Justice League

Themes and Character Arcs
Full Audio Commentary
Scene 1: Cell Phone Superman
Scene 2: Batman Lures a Parademon
Scene 3: World without Superman
Scene 4: Wonder Woman in London
Scene 5: Bruce and Arthur in Iceland
Scene 6: Bruce and Alfred on the Plane
Scene 7: Barry and Henry Allen
Scenes 8 and 9: Vic and Silas Stone, Howard the Janitor
Scene 10: Steppenwolf on Themyscira
Scene 11: Diana sees the News
Scene 12: Lois and Martha at the Daily Planet
Scenes 13 and 14: Cyborg discovers Batman, Diana discovers the Bat-hanger
Scene 15: Steppenwolf's Failed Invasion
Scene 16: Bruce Wayne meets Barry Allen
Scene 17: Diana on the Batcomputer
Scene 18: Diana Prince meets Victor Stone
Scenes 19 and 20: Arthur saves a guy, Steppenwolf in the water
Scene 21: Arthur and Mera in the air bubble
Scenes 22 and 23: Russian family, Steppenwolf talking to Mother 

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Themes in Justice League

Source: Our own Justice League Universe Podcast

  • Multilateralism: Even the strong can be stronger when they work in collaboration. 
  • How do we deal with loss?
  • Rebirth: Pain and loss can be opportunities for rebirth, becoming something even stronger than you were before.
  • Inspiration is a better form of leadership than fear. 

Source: JL 2017 Comic-Con Sneak Peek
  • The world is worth saving, even if you don't recognize it.
  • It is better to face challenges together rather than alone.

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