
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Comic Haul for August 20 2014

I picked up Supergirl #34 (Bedard, Moline, Lupacchino), the next chapter in the Superman: Doomed storyline. I've been enjoying the ups and downs of Doomed and am curious about how they're going to wrap it all up in the next few weeks. Once Doomed #2 comes out, I'm going to post a review, so check back for that.
Supergirl 34

I also grabbed Batman #34 (Snyder, Scalera), which came out last week, because it's a one-shot story and a chance to pop in to see how the Snyder Batman run is going. I loved the first two volumes but haven't kept up with the stories since the Court of Owls, but this issue might get me back into the series.

Finally, in the mail today I was pleasantly surprised by some merchandise from Yeti Press. They're an independent comic publisher run by a friend of mine, formerly of Chicago, now out West. Be sure to check out their Pecos title if you like Westerns with wry humor and if you'd like to support independent comics.

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