
Saturday, November 15, 2014

Review of Constantine (S01:E01 - E03)

Jason Book and I discuss the first few episodes of Constantine, starring Matty Ryan and airing on NBC.

Overall, we are both pleased with the start of the show and the style of the main character. We would like to see some development of the secondary characters over the next few episodes. But it's some good stuff if you like mysticism and some angels and demons.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Review of Gotham (S01:E05 - E07)

Jason Book and I discuss some recent episodes of Gotham, focusing especially on Episode 7, "Penguin's Umbrella."

In short, Episode 7 was the best yet! Gordon gets to let loose and Falcone and Penguin rock the plot.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Discussion of WB/DC Movie Schedule

Jason Book and I discuss the Warner Bros movie announcement related to DC Comics characters. Here is part 1 of our conversation, covering 2016-2017.

Part 2 addresses 2018-2020.